Chippewa Flowage, WI

Chippewa Flowage, WI
The Wisconsin Crew - 2013

Wisconsin July 2013 - THE BLOWOUT

Tim, Robin, Patsy
Galahad, Hagar
Princess Lucky
Prince, Josephus
Lancelot, Squire Brian
King, Black Knight

 Friday - All of the Knights left for Chippewa Flowage in Wisconsin on July 5. The King (me) left at 7:30 AM, heading north via Cincinnati, then over to Indianapolis, Bloomington (IL) then northward. The Louisville Knights took off at about 1:00 PM. The Prince left from Portland, the Black Knight from Gainesville, TX and Josephus from Grass Valley, CA. The trip was uneventful for most of us, but as usual, something always happens. Hagar and Sir Galahad blew a tire just before reaching the Indiana-Illinois border. They pulled off, couldn’t get the spare off because they had no tool to remove the bolts, finally managed to get it changed and took off again. They got 20 miles and blew a second tire.  So far, they aren’t having much fun. They ended up spending the night there at a local hotel.
Saturday – I arrived about 9:30 after spending the night at a local motel in Chippewa Falls, dubbed the Goat Inn, mostly because it’s in the middle of nowhere.  Sirs Tim, Patsy, Robin, Lancelot and (new this year) Squire Brian (son of Lancelot) stayed at a Super 8 in Tomah, they arrived at about noon, having stopped in Hayward for supplies. Hagar and Galahad were able to get a couple more tires and continue their journey, arriving late Saturday.  There was much rejoicing at the reunion [yay]. 
This year there was a big surprise for the Kentucky Knights. The Prince actually towed his boat, a brand new Stratos with a 150 HP Yamaha, from Portland, Oregon all the way to Wisconsin.  That’s 1,960 miles each way!  Prince, Black Knight and Josephus had been scheming for months before the trip, telling us they were going to get a ‘really spiffy’ rental boat.  We launched the boats, unloaded the cars and proceeded to kill a few beers and bottles of bourbon, catching up with each other since our last trip. The cabin owners had added on to the original back porch, making it about 25% bigger. Everything else is about the same, especially the lake. This is a good thing for those of us who like it that way.Dinner was brought from Louisville, chili a la Red Dog

Sunday – A fishing trip for the Knights wouldn’t be complete without rain and Sunday was no exception. We still got to do lots of fishing but we did leave the lake when the lightning started. We played a couple of games of horseshoes then the evening fish and supper.  There were a few fish in the basket.  We are hoping it will improve the rest of the week.Brunch and Dinner was on the crew of the Hood; brunch was bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy, dinner was 2” pork chops, most excellent

Monday / Tuesday – It was pretty much the same routine each day but Monday we had a lot of fog and wind, unusual to have that much wind with the fog. Air temp was mid-50s.  Tuesday was warmer, mid-60s, with no fog. Monday night we had some rain and thunderstorms. Tuesday there were several waves of rain during the late morning and afternoon. Sirs Tim, Robin and Galahad braved the weather but were able to get only a few fish, including a nice bass.  Weather for the rest of the week is supposed to improve. I think everyone is ‘on the board’ having caught at least 1 fish, even if it wasn’t a keeper.
Our daily routine so far is lots of coffee at dawn, followed by fishing and a return to the cabin for brunch. As we’ve gotten older it seems we need less food, so we have only two meals a day now, opting for a late breakfast or early lunch, followed by a late supper.  There were some Northern Pike caught, Sir Tim donating 2-26” to the pot for me. No one else likes them so it’s a bonus for me. There were some walleye and bass, all went into the basket and after cleaning, into the freezer bags and the fridge. Thursday night is the fish fry and it looks like a sprinkling of walleye and mostly bass. Last year we got a lot of walleye but this year it’s a lot sparser. They have had a lot of rain and it’s affected the weed growth.

Wednesday – The day started off cool and windy, air temp about 61.  There were lots of waves but we still managed to catch some walleyes and largemouth bass.  There was also a yellow perch in the mix. With all the rain on Tuesday afternoon we had to bilge out the boats a couple of times. Lancelot’s new boat, the HMS Hood, was really full and the bilging went on for a half hour. On Wednesday it was still full of water, not allowing him to get up on plane so he pulled it out and drained it.  Back on the water once again, several hours later it was still taking on water and all of the Knights assisted Sir Lancelot in finding the leak.  It was to no avail. We trailered the boat again, checked the hull, drains, etc. and found nothing.  So it’s back in the water again while we watch and pray.Dinner tonight is courtesy of the Tart’s crew; chicken on the grill, cheese and macaroni and broccoli.

Thursday – It was a day without rain; I think. We had rain every day except Thursday. Fishing was pretty much the same, a few walleyes and more bass. Sir Tim caught a northern pike every day, this was no exception. Everyone caught at least one during the trip, Tim caught the most and the biggest.Dinner tonight is the annual fish fry. There was no shortage of fish, plenty for everyone and lots still in the freezer. Sides were more of King’s macaroni and cheese plus leftover zucchini with onions, broccoli, bell peppers and other veggie scraps.  There were no complaints or leftovers.

Friday – What started out as a ‘not so hot’ fishing day turned into Nekked Friday, our ongoing tradition.  We had not been swimming because the water temperature was only 74 degrees; chilly.  The very brave Sir Lancelot dove in Friday morning, albeit completely suited.  King followed, wearing the suit God had given him. Encouraged by shouts and taunts, Sir Tim followed suit.  After 10 minutes or so, it was off to our favorite island for the rest of the morning and early afternoon.  Sir Black Knight joined us in the ‘sans-suit’ attire while others opted for clothing. We celebrated our trip as being complete and finally headed back to pull the boats out. It was a sad time.  The evening meal was at Famous Dave’s on Round Lake.  Afterward we went back to the cabin and packed up for the trip.

Ride home – A peaceful return trip for everyone, no mechanical issues, no getting lost and no bad weather.  Prince took the longest, arriving in Portland on Monday afternoon.

Fall trip is not decided yet but next summer will be moved 2 weeks out if we can get the reservations.

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